Play hangman games for B2 to advanced level English study

Vocabulary categories and levels:

B2 level only hangman games

Some of these vocabulary hangman games are linked to a podcast, which you can listen to or read first to learn the vocabulary before you play the game.

The music business

B2. Vocabulary and expressions that talk about concerts and the pop and rock world. The music business...

Fiction books

B2. Vocabulary and expressions to discuss the subject of fiction novels. Fiction books... Listen to our podcast or read the text on the language of books...


B2. Expressions and words that talk about what we do on holiday, the items we need, travel and accommodation. Holidays... Listen to our podcast or read the text on talking about holidays...and holiday language...

Money expressions

B2. Play the hangman game on money... Listen to our podcast on Expressions and words that talk about money from the point of view of a teenagers and adults who earn a living.

Household chores

B2. Play the hangman game on household chores... Listen to the podcast on expressions and words that talk about helping out around the house - read and listen...

Climate Change

B2. Expressions and words that talk about the dangers that climate change is having on our planet. Climate change...

Mostly advanced level vocabulary hangman games

All these hangman games are linked to word lists that you can study first. These word lists come with audio so you can listen to the pronunciation first. There's a link at the top of each hangman game page to the audio files of that list. All these vocabulary lists in this section are translated into French, German and Spanish.

Vegetables or "greens"

B1 to advanced level. All the common vegetables we use in cooking in the Western World. Vegetables...

Fruit, nuts

B1 to advanced level. Oranges, apples and common fruit plus the "hard" ones like walnuts, etc. Fruit and nuts...

Furniture in the home

B1 to advanced level. Tables and chairs and other things we have in every room of the house. Furniture...

Kitchen item

B1 to advanced level. Knives and forks and common objects used for cooking. Kitchen utensils...

Domestic appliances

B1 to advanced level. These refer to the large electrical machines we have that help us with everyday tasks: fridges, vacuum cleaners, etc. Domestic appliances...

The English garden

B2 and advanced levels. Based on the English garden and all the parts of it and tools we use in it. The garden...

Tools for home and work

B2 and advanced levels. The items we use for helping us to work with wood and metal or to repair things. Tools...

Clothes we wear

B1 to advanced level. A large collection of things we wear from the most common to the least significant. Clothes...

Bathroom items

B2 and advanced levels. Everything we use in the bathroom and can find in the crowded bathroom cupboard for both men and women. Bathroom cupboard

House and home

B1 to advanced level. Its rooms and various parts. The house...

The car

B2 and advanced levels. Essential parts of vehicles so you know what to say if your car breaks down! The car...

Parts of the body

B2 to advanced level. Not just the more obvious ones but also the less well-known parts. Parts of the body...

The animal kingdom

B2 to advanced level. All the most common and not so common mammals from right across the world. Animals...

What's the weather like?

B2 and advanced level. Vocabulary we need to talk about what's happening outside and in the stratosphere. The weather...

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