We love it or hate it but most of us have to do it - work. The following words are negative collocations we use with the word "work". Write the complete word ("_" = one letter). Some of the less well-known words are explained in the answers below.
*Incorrect answers are shown in red. You have TWO chances to find the correct answers.
3) BACK-BREAKING (Hard manual work that requires lifting heavy things.)
5) DEMANDING (requires a lot of skill, time or dedication).
8) GRUELLING (Very hard and unpleasant work - manual or mental - e.g. studying for exams can be very gruelling.)
9) HEAVY (Manual work but note when we say "a heavy workload", we may mean non-manual work like "paper work" - lots of reports to write etc.)
10) DONKEY (Often jokingly or ironic - it means the hard and unpleasant work. E.g. three campers on holiday, two campers are eating sandwiches while another is putting up the tent by himself: "That's right! You go on eating while I do all the donkey work!")