These are collocations we use with the word "computer". Hopefully, we won't have to do anything else that the ten actions given here. If it gets more complicated than this, just call the IT department, hand over your laptop and go and have a coffee! (See explanations to answers below.)
1) ACCESS (go into the system or programme or page)
2) SHUT DOWN (means to turn off the PC or close a page or programme you have open.)
3) OPERATE (means to operate the PC)
4) RUN (you run a programme, hardware, the PC
5) BOOT UP (means to SWITCH ON the PC previously totally disconnected from the electricity supply so that the operating system is activated and opened completely)
6) LOG OFF (close a page or system accessed by a password)
7) LOG ON (the opposite of LOG OFF)
8) RESTART (start the PC again by shutting down all programmes and the operating system (OS))
9) SWITCH ON (connect the PC or other hardware to the electricity supply)
10) SWITCH OFF (opposite of SWITCH ON)
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