Podcast 206 - Victims of Nature - part 1 (B2-level story)


Victims of Nature - part 1 B2 story

Questions and answers

Words to explain:

shepherd = spmebody who looks after sheep in the countryside

raft = a small flat boat

flock of sheep = a group of sheep

waterfall = where water falls vertically down from a high rock

B2 phrases to listen for. What is the context of each phrase?

1) The reality of the situation...

2) take charge of...

3) he held on for dear life...

4) What’s the point of...

5) be bored stiff...

The vowels (a, e, i, o, u) have been taken out (unless the word begins with a vowel). Read the definition and guess the word in bold.


1) dsty adj. covered in a fine layer of dirt, sand, etc.

2) shd n. the dark are under a tree, for example, where the sun does not shine.

3) strm n. a small river

4) dprtr n. opposite of arrival, where you leave from, going away

5) end p v. finish, where an event has its end.


6) unblvbl adj. something you find difficult to think is true

7) pctrsq adj. very pretty scenery e.g. mountains, woods etc.

8) wtty adj. clever with words

9) undrstndbl adj. when you respect somebody's feelings and feel what they say is true

10) thrtnng adj. something that could hurt or harm us, it could be dangerous

Answers to listening to the context of the B2 phrases:

1) The reality of the situation...

Alberto Palenciano Gonzalez was flying.

2) taken charge of...

He’s (Gustavo) taken charge of his life: he’s set up his own business in Granada.

3) hold on for dear life...

He was holding onto the raft (a boat) that was flying through the air

4) What’s the point of + ing

What’s the point of hanging on in the Alpujarra?

5) be bored stiff...

You’ll be bored stiff. Only sheep, poverty and danger around here.

Answers to vocabulary test.

1) dusty adj. covered in a fine layer of dirt, sand, etc.

2) shade n. the dark are under a tree, for example, where the sun does not shine.

3) stream n. a small river

4) departure n. opposite of arrival, where you leave from, going away

5) end up v. finish, where an event has its end.

6) unbelievable adj. something you find difficult to think is true

7) picturesque adj. very pretty scenery e.g. mountains, woods etc.

8) witty adj. clever with words

9) understandable adj. when you respect somebody's feelings and feel what they say is true

10) threatening adj. something that could hurt or harm us, it could be dangerous


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