Passive voice - active to passive (past simple).

Fill in the spaces with words to complete the passive form of each past simple sentence. The agent and preposition "by" are not required.

They gave a large sum of money to the poor.

A large sum of money was given            to the poor.

1) We packed the cases last night.

The cases last night.

2) We spotted a lot of black storks yesterday.

A lot of black storks yesterday.

3) The football supporters drank a lot of beer after the match.

A lot of beer after the match.

4) The local council planted hundreds of trees last year.

Hundreds of trees last year.

5) People wrote a lot about religious topics in the 19th century.

A lot about religious topics in the 19th century.

6) Did they introduce you to Mary last night?

to Mary last night?

7) Did the children put away all the toys before they went to bed?

away before they went to bed?

8) They said she wasn't coming back.

It she wasn't coming back.

9) In the end they did not close down the factory.

In the end the factory .

10) Somebody abandoned this lovely dog on the main road.

This lovely dog on the main road.



*Incorrect answers are shown in red. You have TWO chances to find the correct answers.



Solutions and help...

Explanation on the passive voice...

Index of English exercises... (return to same section)

Listening podcast on an introduction to the passive voice...

B2 listening podcast on uses of the passive (with story)...


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