Passive voice - active to passive exercise (present continuous).

Fill in the spaces with words to complete the passive form of each present continuous sentence. The agent preposition "by" is not required.

They are discussing the case right now.

The case is being discussed            right now.

1) They are putting the books in the wrong place.

The books in the wrong place.

2) They are closing a lot of night clubs in this area due to the noise.

A lot of night clubs in this area due to the noise.

3) The dentist is doing some work on my teeth.

Some work on my teeth.

4) The local council are pulling down the old flats around here.

The old flats around here.

5) Somebody is using the coffee machine just now.

The coffee machine just now.

6) They are building a motorway across our land.

A motorway across our land.

7) Are the police watching that person?

Is that person ?

8) Can you tell me if they're opening the pool now?

Can you tell me if the pool now?

9) Nobody is dealing with this problem.

This problem with.

10) They are not cutting down these trees in the end.

These trees in the end.



*Incorrect answers are shown in red. You have TWO chances to find the correct answers.



Solutions and help...

Explanation of the passive voice...

Index of English exercises... (return to same section)

Listening podcast on an introduction to the passive voice...

B2 listening podcast on uses of the passive (with story)...


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