Exercise: the adjectival genitive 1.

Exercise on the genitive where a noun is an adjective.

Explanation of adjectival genitive...

Write the adjectival genitive for the phrases below. Examples:

The chair has legs. (They're the...) chair
They're the chair legs    .

An umbrella for the beach (It's a...) umbrella
It's a beach umbrella    . 

1) The aeroplane has wings. plane

They're the .

2) The bicycle has wheels. bike

They're the .

3) A pot for a plant. p_flowerpot

It's a .

4) A lamp for a desk. desk_brown

It's a .

5) Paper for the toilet. toiletroll

It's .

6) The saucepan has a lid. pot

It's the .

7) A mouse for a computer. mouse_white

It's a .

8) The violin has strings. violin

They're the .

9) The cup has a handle. coffee cup

It's the .

10) A lens for a camera. camera

It's a .



*Incorrect answers are shown in red. You have TWO chances to find the correct answers.



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