Exercise: comparatives 4.

Exercise on how to make comparatives of equality in English.

Explanation of comparatives of equality...

Write the comparison of equality for the sentences below. Use the words in brackets ( ). Do not use contracted forms.

Example 1
John is 32 years old. Dave is 32 years old. (is/old)

John is as old as    John.

Example 2
John does not work very hard. Dave works harder. (work/hard)

John does not work as hard as    Dave.

1) John is 1 metre 80cms tall. Dave is 1 metre 80cms tall. (is/tall)

John Dave.

2) Seville is 40ºC in summer. Cordova is 40ºC in summer. (is/hot)

Seville Cordova.

3) John is not very clever. Mary is cleverer. (is/clever)

John Mary.

4) The blue car is not expensive. The red car is more expensive. (is/expensive)

The blue car the red car.

5) Mrs Jones talks very quietly. Mrs Smith talks more loudly. (talk/loudly)

Mrs Jones Mrs Smith.

6) The brown house is 100 years old. The green house is 100 years old. (is/old)

The brown house the green house.

7) Steve did not do well in the English test. Melissa did better in the English test. (do/well)

Steve Melissa.

8) The impala runs 90km per hour. The cheetah runs 120km per hour. (run/fast)

The impala the cheetah.

9) The first exam was difficult. The second exam was difficult too. (was/difficult)

The first exam the second exam.

10) Ciudad Real is not very beautiful. Seville is more beautiful. (is/beautiful)

Ciudad Real Seville.



*Incorrect answers are shown in red. You have TWO chances to find the correct answers.



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