Exercise: articles and place names.

The direct article and names of places, cities, rivers, countries... .

See explanations of the English definite article and place names...

Write the definite article "the" or "The" where you see: ___ or omit it.

___ Lake Victoria is in ___ central Africa.


___ River Ganges is located in ___ Indian continent.
The          the        

1) ___ Loch Ness is in ___ Scotland.

2) The Beatles made ___ Abbey Road famous.

3) Many migrating birds spend the winter in ___ Africa.

4) ___ River Thames is ___ England's second longest river.

5) I work near ___ Trafalgar Square in ___ London.

6) ___ Hague is in ___ Netherlands.

7) ___ capital of ___ United Arab Emirates is ___ Abu Dhabi and not ___ Dubai.

8) ___ Lake District in the north of England has beautiful lakes like ___ Lake Windermere.

9) ___ islands in ___ Pacific Ocean offer fantastic beaches.

10) ___ Spanish football team won the World Cup in ___ South Africa in 2010.



*Incorrect answers are shown in red. You have TWO chances to find the correct answers.

See explanations of the English definite article and place names...


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